3 days
The fresh air is a balm for the soul!
• 3 nights in a double room
• 3-course dinner menu of your choice
Hotel Garberwirt KG
Hans Prückl
Dorf 21
A-6283 Hippach Österreich
Tel. +43 5282 3632
Fax +43 5282 3632-333
E-mail: info@garberwirt.com
netwerk - Internet advertising agency
netwerk Kreidl GmbH & C0 KG
Dorfstraße 16
A - 6275 Stumm im Zillertal
Hotel Garberwirt archive
Tirol Images Andreas Schatzl
Zillertal Tourismus GmbH
Mayrhofen tourist office
Mayrhofen lift company
Tux Finkenberg tourist office
Innsbruck INFO
Swarovski Crystal Worlds: Anatol Jasiutyn
Schwaz silver mine
©Tirol Werbung